Hikers' resolutions

Insider Tips

In January, do as you please! Oh no...January is the month to make new resolutions, and attack the year on the right foot! Especially for a backpacker like you. Whether you keep them or not, it's always encouraging to set yourself healthy goals for the year ahead, so here are 5 good resolutions for walkers that we recommend you make your own for 2019.

Go in for sport

So far, nothing new. In fact, it's highly likely that the record number of gym memberships is set every January. But you're an adventurer, a hiker, a backpacker, an explorer...! Keeping fit is good for your morale, your body and your travel plans, so don't hesitate to take a walk every weekend, go for a swim, go for a run after work in a setting that soothes you, dance, and do any other physical activity that makes you feel good! Adapt your efforts according to your ambitions: if you want to do the GR20 in 2019, you'll need to dance, of course, but you'll also need to be really prepared!

Eating better

Yes, it's still not original, it's all we ever talk about. But after the festivities, the galettes des rois, the chocolate, the bubbles... We get carried away, and without legs we don't get very far. Treat yourself, cook, but eat good food! We're not talking about a diet, just about giving your athletic body something to enjoy without damaging it. Nice gourmet Corsican recipes can also do the trick from time to time, if you need inspiration.

Personal projects

Joe Dassin once sang that "mornings come and go". To avoid "love (and self-love too!) giving way to the daily grind", continue to have personal (and/or professional) plans, challenge yourself to new physical and/or intellectual challenges, re-evaluate yourself and move forward! Feeling good about yourself is a great thing for a hiker, isn't it?

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Take a trip with Corsica Aventure

It's all very well having dreams, but there comes a time when you have to take the plunge and make them come true! 2018 is your year!  Discover the island of beauty the way you want to, we have a team to listen to you and organise your dream, guided holidays, free holidays, the famous GR20, a tailor-made trip, on foot, by bike, on foot, by car, by kayak, etc ... !