Corsican Cuisine

Discover Corsica

As with Corsica itself, the island's cuisine is best described as somewhere between French and Italian but there are also many aspects which are distinctly Corsican. The earthy style of this hearty food takes its inspiration from the land, with sun-loving fruits and vegetables, meat and cheeses.


Preview Sauté de Veau aux Olives

Pork is common as pigs are bred throughout Corsica. 

You will mainly find stews or roasted meat including wild boar stew CIVET DE SANGLIER, veal with olives in a thick tomato sauce SAUTE DE VEAU AUX OLIVES, both are served with pasta or POLENTA, made of chestnut flour.


Preview Soupe de Poisson

In the mountains you may find mountain trout TRUITE on menus. 

On the coast you will find a good selection of fish and seafood. Look out for red mullet ROUGET, sea bream DORADE, bass LOUP DE MER and crayfish LANGOUSTINE and of course fish soup SOUPE DE POISSON.


Preview U Casgiu

Much of the mountain cuisine is based around the locally produced dairy products and in particular ewe's cheese which is similar to goat's cheese. 

Local cheeses are varied, BROCCIU is a Corsican lactose free whey cheese much like ricotta. 

Look out for cheese filled Canelloni CANELLONI AU BROCCIU & hard Corsican mountain cheese TOMME CORSE which is served with fig jam.


Preview A Robba Purcina

Cured meats are popular and available on most Corsican menus. 

FIGATELLU is smoked liver sausage, served grilledand eaten in winter only, COPPA is cured meat made from pork shoulder, LONZU is similar but leaner, made of salted pork fillet, PRISUTTU is a ham and don’t forget SAUCISSON.


Preview Dopu pastu

Traditional Corsican desserts are generally milk or egg based. 

Chestnuts are also a common ingredient and a lot of desserts are A LA CHATAIGNE. Look out for a soft BROCCIU cheese and lemon cake FIADONE.